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A few things that are good to know about Makeba Merchant

Frequently Asked

What is Makeba Merchant?

Makeba Merchant is an app that let's people and businesses, pay and transfer money easily and at a low cost.

How do I charge a customer?

There are two ways charge a customer:

Quick Charge
This is the fastest way to charge a customers if you already know the amount to be charged:

1. Select Quick Charge from the main menu
2. Enter the transaction amount and click Charge
3. A unique QR Code is generated and displayed on your screen
4. Show the code to your customer and ask them to scan it with their Makeba Money app.
5. Once the payment is approved by the customer you will see a reciept on your sceen showing that the transaction was successful.
6. Your account is credited instantly

By entering all your products and prices into Makeba you can quickly tally together multiple products without having to remember prices.

1. Add items to the cart by tapping on its image, tap several times to add more than one.
3. If you specified an item to charged by weight a pop-up will automatically ask you to input the weight.
5. Once you have finished adding products to the cart click the next Arrow to review and edits the cart as needed. Once you are ready click Charge.
6. Next present the QR code on your screen to the customer and ask them to scan it with their Makeba Money app.
7. Once the payment is approved by the customer you will see a reciept on your sceen showing that the transaction was successful.
8. Your account is credited instantly

How do I add my products?

1. Select "Items" from the home screen
2. Click on the the pencil icon to edit the list of items
3. Click on "New Item" to add a new product
4. Input product details such as name and price
5. Upload a product image if you like (this will speed things up)
6. Click on "Add Item" to complete

Are there any fees?

Yes, a small fee is applied to all payments you recieve. To get the best rates for your businesses choose a Makeba plan that fits your budget. Learn more about our plans by visiting the "My Plan" section in your Makeba Merchant app or by visiting our website: makeba.money/merchant.

If you transfer money out of your Makeba account there may also be a fee applied, please see your plan for details.

How does Cash services work?

By offering your customers the ability to withdraw and deposit money at your business you drive traffic to your location, and earn a fee for every withdrawal (see your Makeba plan for details).
(Please note that Merchants wishing to offer cash services must first be approved in-person at a Casa de Cidadão.)

Cash Deposits:

1. Click "Cash Services" from the home screen or menu
2. Click on "Deposit" and then scan the customer's QR code
3. Confirm the amount received
4. Verify the customer’s identity by entering the last 4 digits displayed on his/her government-issued ID, then click "Next"
5. Approve the transaction using your secret code or biometric
6. Once the transaction is processed, you will be notified and a receipt will display
7. Your account will be debited accordingly

Cash Withdrawals:

1. Click "Cash Services" from the home page or menu
2. Click on "Withdraw" and then scan the customer's QR code
3. Confirm that you are able to provide the requested amount in cash by clicking on "Yes"
4. Verify the customer’s identity by entering the last 4 digits displayed on his/her government-issued ID, then click "Next"
5. Allow the customer to approve the transaction on their phone
6. Once the transaction is processed, you will be notified and a receipt will display
7. Your account is credited instantly

How can I earn a commission?

When you facilitate a customer cash Withdrawal you will recieve a part of the transaction fee that the customers pays Makeba, for the current rates please visit our website makeba.money/merchant.

If you facilitate a customer cash Deposit there is no commission earned as Makeba does not charge customers for making Deposits.

What is the maximum Cash service amount?

Merchants can accept customer Deposits of up to 300 000 CVE per day, or 2 000 000 CVE per week.

Merchants can accept customer Withdrawals of 100 000 CVE per day, or 500 000 CVE per week.

What is an Associate?

An Associate is a partner or employee invited by the Merchant. Based on privileges set by the Merchant, an Associate is able to make financial transactions on behalf of the Merchant using the Makeba Merchant app, such as taking payments.

Funds collected by the Associate are credited directly to the Merchant’s account.

What is required to become an Associate?

At the moment, to become an Associate a person must first have a Makeba Money account. The Merchant can then send an invitation from the Makeba Merchant app by entering the Associates phone number.

Currently and Associate is only able to be linked to one Merchant at a time and may be removed by the Merchant at any time.

How do I add an Associate?

1. In the Makeba Merchant app click on the menu
2. Select "Associate Settings"
3. Click on the "+ button
4. Enter the Associate's phone number and once the user is located, confirm your selection by clicking "Next"
5. From the available privilege settings, select those that you wish to assign to the Associate
6. Click on "Send Invitation ""
7. Once the invitation has been accepted by the Associate via their Makeba Money app, the Associate's name will appear on your list of approved Associates.

Note: Associates must have a Makeba Money account to be invited.

How can I see transactions made by my Associates?

In the Makeba Merchant app click on "Manage Associate" from the menu, then select the Associate whose transaction history you wish to view.

How do I check my balance?

Log in to the Makeba app and tap the top left menu icon to see your current account balance.

Is my information secure?

Yes. We use the latest encryption technology to protect your account and ensure that your data remains private. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, change your password and secret code right away, then contact us so we can freeze your account.

Why does the Makeba app ask for permission to refresh/run in the background on my phone?

In order to alert you of new messages, money transfers and other activities on your account Makeba works best when it is allowed to run even when you're not actively using the app.

Is it safe to transact with anyone?

Makeba is intended for use by people and businesses who trust each other, just like when transacting with Cash or Credit Card. Makeba transactions cannot be canceled once they have been approved by you.

Can I use Makeba without a smartphone?

Not yet. But we are working on it, support for USSD phones will be added as soon as possible, it's a top priority for us!

Can I change my phone number?

Please contact us if you need to change the phone number associated with your account.

Need Help?

If you don't see the answer you were looking for above, just drop us a line using the Contact Us page. We'd love to hear from you.
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